How To Use Git And Github?

How To Use Git And Github?

Git and Github intro and commands.

what is GIT?

Git is (distributed version control system). open-source version control software, used for managing and tracking file revisions. You can use Git with any file type, but it’s most often used for tracking code files. Example: I have create html file later on changes as made same file so that i can track file and update.

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a website which is used to store, host, share your code and can clone the project.

GitHub can save your code online.

GitHub will allow all the developers of a project to see what changes the other one has made.

It allows you to discuss issues in your code with other developers.

The process of GIT is shown below:

First download and install Git and verify it by "git -v" Second goto and create an account by signup. create a repository also

  1. In vscode left side--> accounts ->sign in--> choose github and it will open browser and github login screen , enter username,password--> login-->authorize-->it will redirect to vscode

Actual Process: open terminal---> new terminal--> goto specific folder

  1. git init - it will initiate git into your folder

  2. git add . -- it will add all the files into git

  3. git commit -m "update" - it will commit your git and added a message update

First time you may end up git config this.

git config --global ""

git config --global "Your Name"

to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.

fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'Lenovo@SERVER.(none)')

to solve it do following commands

git config --global "your email id"

git config --global "username"

After this try git add . and git commit -m "update" again.

4. git remote add origin "link"

5. git push -u origin main

After Push ur code changes to github you see Code option under MAIN Branch. if you want pull others latest code changes to your
6.git fectch --all or git pull origin main

7 using git status cammand you can check all latest code available or not.